36 x 5 minute exposure with a QSI583wsg CCD and the 40cm F/4 on September 29, 2011 from Beilen. Sky brightness according to the SQM was 20.5 magn./sq. arcsec.
16 x 5 minutes Luminance and 6 x 5 minutes each wit RGB filters. Processing in ImagesPlus, PixInsight and Photoshop.
18 x 5 minute exposure at 800 ISO on October 20, 2007 from Wateren. Sky brightness according to the SQM was 21.1 magn./sq. arcsec.
Click in the image for a full size version, there are lots and lots of small galaxies in this image. Colimation was a little bit off though...
Modified Canon 350D, and a 20-cm (8") f/2.75 ASA Astrograph.
Full size crop (no resizing)
Full size crop (no resizing) showing a nice group of galaxies around NGC910 (bright in the middle and NGC906, the nice little spiral at left)