NGC7293 the Helix nebula

NGC7293 with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and QSI583ws CCD

7 x 10 min. luminance and 3 x 10 min each for RGB on August 18, 2009. Full field, this image was made from Puimichel in the south of France, at home it is too low in the sky.
The image was made with a QSI583ws CCD with Astronomik LRGB filters and a 20-cm (8") f/2.75 ASA Astrograph. Click in the image for a full size version.

NGC7293 the Helix nebula with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D

This is a 100% size crop.

NGC7293 the Helix nebula with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and QSI583ws CCD

12 x 7 minute exposures at 800 ISO on September 9 2007. Full field, this image was made from Puimichel in the south of France, at home it is too low in the sky.
The image was made with a modified Canon 350D, and a 20-cm (8") f/2.75 ASA Astrograph.

NGC7293 the Helix nebula with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D

This is a 50% size crop. There is noise due to darkframe temperature problems.