NGC6960 the Witch's Broom, NGC6979 Pickering's Triangle and 52 Cygni
6 x10 minute exposure (2 x Red, 2 x Green, 2 x Blue) with a Takahashi FSQ106 and a QSI583wsg CCD on August 11, 2010 from Puimichel in the South of France.
Click in the image for a full size version.
10 x 7 minute exposure at 800 ISO on September 1, 2008 from Puimichel in the South of France. Sky brightness according to the SQM was 21.4 magn./sq. arcsec.
Click in the image for a full size version. Modified Canon 40D, and a 20-cm (8") f/2.75 ASA Astrograph. There is a striking difference in colour between the sky below
and above the nebula. There seems to be a lot of dust and gas above this nebula according to the yellow colour of the sky, please have a look at the full size version.
21 x 2 minute exposure at 1600 ISO on August 4, 2007. There was a a Last Quarter Moon in the sky.
NGC6979 Pickering's Triangle is at lower left, the bright star in NGC6960 is 52 Cygni, it is easily visible to the naked eye.
This image was made with a modified Canon 350D, and a 20cm (8") f/2.75 ASA Astrograph.