M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy

NGC6888 with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 40D

10 - 10 minute exposures at 800 ISO on May 24, 2009. SQM reading was 20.8! This one was made with a Televue Paracorr at f/4.8.
It looks a lot bigger than with the original corrector, since EFL has changed from 570mm to 955mm. Compare with the image below.
Click in the image for a full size version. Modified Canon 40D, and a 20cm (8") ASA Astrograph with Paracorr to work at f/4.8.

M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy  with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D

23 x 5 minute exposures at 800 ISO on April 7, 2007. The bottom edge is due to a shift between two series of exposures due to problems with the ST4.
I had to throw away 8 exposures due to bad autoguiding :-( This image was made with a modified Canon 350D, and a 20-cm (8") f/2.75 ASA Astrograph.

M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy  with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D

Full size crop

M51 the Whirlpool Galaxy  with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D

An attempt to find the limiting magnitude for this image, a stretch on the grayscale version to see the faintest details, it seems I got to about mv20.