Galaxy M106 and NGC4217
24 x 5 minute exposures @ 800 ISO on January 30/31 2009 from Beilen. SQM reading 20.6/20.7 Click on the image for a full size version.
100 % crop. Compare this image to the one below, made with the 350D!
Full frame, 30 exposures of 2 minutes each at 1600 ISO on March 8, 2007
This image was made with a modified Canon 350D, and a 20-cm (8") f/2.75 ASA Astrograph.
Crop from the above image, the galaxy at top left is NGC4220 and at top right is NGC4217
100% crop from the top image, galaxy M106 and it's neighbour NGC4248
100% crop from the top image, galaxy NGC4217