5 exposures of 7 minutes at 800 ISO, on September 11, 2007 in Puimichel in the South of France.
This image was made with a modified Canon 350D and a 20-cm (8") f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
5 exposures of 3 minutes at 1600ISO, processed with darks and bias frames in ImagesPlus (IP) and Photoshop.
Vignetting was reduced using GradientXterminator plugin for Photoshop. Images were made 17 November 2006.
This image was one of the first I ever made with my ASA, so I will keep it on the site.
This is the raw stack of 5 images from IP before processing in Photoshop. Note the vignetting and background levels caused by light pollution.
The dark band below is caused by the mirror of the CANON 350D. You get vignetting at faster optics than F/4 at 600mm focal length.
The ASA 8" is 560mm F/2.75 so you get vignetting. Normally using a flatfield wil render this effect almost invisble.
50% size version of 5 exposures of 7 minutes at 800 ISO, on September 11, 2007 in Puimichel in the South of France.