C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
For this image I used my new modified Canon 5D MkII on the 40cm f/4 Newtonian.
The fov of this full frame (24 x 36mm sensor is much bigger than with the QSI583 ( now 77 x 52 arc minutes, was 39 x 29 arc minutes) but still too small for this comet!
42 exposures of 60 seconds between February 2, 2012, 4:55 and 5:40 UT, @ 1000 ISO. For comets a one shot colour camera is a big advantage!
Processing in ImagesPlus, PixInsight and Photoshop CS4. The originals images measure 5632 x 3752 pixels and a TIF-file is 123MB...
12 x 3 minutes 40cm f/4 newton, QSI583wsg in binning 2x2.
Image from January 31, 20012 between 04:41:19 and 05:19:49 UT. The sky was not as transparent as I had hoped. Notice how the ion tail is much thinner compared to the previous time.
2009P1 Garradd on January 24, 2012. With the 40cm F/4 and QSI583 CCD
6 x 5 minutes exposure between 04:15:48 and 04:46:56 UT on January 24, 2012. 40cm f/4 newton, QSI583wsg in binning 2x2.
I read a sky brightness of 20,6 on the SQM.
2009P1 Garradd on November 16, 2011. With the 40cm F/4 and QSI583 CCD
Last image of this comet in the evening sky, it has sunk into the trees now from my location!
2009P1 Garradd near NGC6408 (mv 13.7) on October 31, 2011. With the 40cm F/4 and QSI583 CCD, 6 x 3 minutes each for R, G and B between 17:34:14 and 18:32:10 UT
SQM reading was mag 19.45 /square arcsecond due to nearby Sportfield illumination and a watery sky. All RGB data was added and used as the Luminance.
I'm quiet pleased with the result considering the circumstances!
2011-10-23 17:44:58 UT - 18:47:28 UT 40cm F/4 with QSI583wsg @ -20°C 4 x 300s each for RGB, combined with adaptive add and colourprocessed in PixInsight.
2011-10-23 17:44:58 UT - 18:47:28 UT 40cm F/4 with QSI583wsg @ -20°C 4 x 300s each for RGB, all calibrated images added with adaptive add.
October 16, 2011
October 16, 2011
3 RGB exposures of 5 minutes each between 19:27:37 en 19:43:04 UT on September 30, 2011
6 RGB exposures of 3 minutes each between 20:33:49 and 20:54:51 UT on September 18, 2011
A little less moonlight today, a few galaxies are visible below the comet.
10 Luminance exposures of 2 minutes each between 20:01:00 and 20:11:00 UT on September 15, 2011, Despite the Full Moon there is some tail visible.
3 RGB exposures of 2 minutes each between 20:57:45 and 21:04:57 UT on August 27, 2011
3 Luminance exposures of 2 minutes each between 20:50:58 and 20:57:23 UT on August 27, 2011