Comet 2006 M4 (SWAN)
This image was taken on the evening of October 16, 2006 near Brunsting, The Netherlands around 20h30m UT with a SMC Pentax 200mm F/4 telelens on
a modified Canon 350D. It is a stack of 10 1-minute exposures on ISO1600. The faint gastail can be followed almost to the top edge of the frame which
indicates a length of at least 3 degrees. A short dusttail is also visible curving away to the right. The bright star to the left of the comet is magnitude 3.0 Gamma Bootis.
This image was taken on November 1, 2006 around 18h14m UT.
It is the sum of 6 30s-exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO1600, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
There was a first quarter moon in the sky during image aquisition!
This image was taken on November 18, 2006 between 17h15m and 17h31m UT
It is the sum of 23 exposures of 30 seconds with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO1600, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.