Comet 17P (HOLMES)
19:39 - 20:16 UT on February 27, 2008 from Beilen. 11 - 180 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D @ 800 ISO and a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The outer shell is vanishing slowly. The small refelction nebula to the upper right of Holmes is Van den Bergh 24
19:26 - 20:28 UT on February 6, 2008 from Beilen. 12 - 300 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D @ 800 ISO and a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The comet is really getting faint now.
19:50 - 20:24 UT on January 31, 2008 from Beilen. 15 - 120 second exposures. Unmodified Canon 40D, set at ISO 1600, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The first astronomical image with my new camera, now I just have to modify it for H-alpha! The comet is looking a bit greenish with the unmodified camera.
17:37 - 18:12 UT on January 12, 2008 from Beilen. 11 - 180 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 1600, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
2029 - 20:55 UT on January 6, 2008 from Beilen. 5 - 300 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
19:52 - 20:23 UT on January 6, 2008 from Beilen. 6 - 300 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 1600, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
19:50 - 20:21 UT on December 29, 2007 from Beilen. 6 - 300 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
22:15 - 23:19 UT on December 15, 2007 from Beilen. 12 - 300 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
18:09 - 19:13 UT on December 11, 2007 from Beilen. 12 - 300 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The small galaxy near the right top corner is NGC1169 (mv 12.4) In this longer exposure the movement of the comet is apparent.
The same image, treated with a minimum filter to reduce the star sizes, unfortunately this does not work properly for the stars "inside" the coma.
![Comet 17P (HOLMES) with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D](Hol-CombineFilesExcAvgDDPPSsmall.jpg)
5 - 300 second exposures betwee17:41 and 18:08 UT on December 10, 2007 from Beilen. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Click on the image to see a full size view, there are a lot of faint galaxies in the background.
17:05 - 17:31 UT on December 9, 2007 from Beilen. 5 - 300 second exposures. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The small galaxy near the right top corner is NGC1169 (mv 12.4)
18:42 - 19:08 UT on December 7, 2007 from Beilen. 1 - 270 second, a 1- 120 second and 1 - 60 second exposures added. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Weather is still very unstable, lots of rain today.
20:30 UT on December 1, 2007 from Beilen. 1 - 90 second exposure. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
We haven't had a real clear night for almost two months.
19:17 - 19:27 UT on November 29, 2007 from Beilen. 2 - 60 second and 2 - 180 second exposures added. Modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
It has been a week since my last session and the coma has grown considerably... Even now it is very unstable weather here so I was lucky to get anything.
19:20 - 19:29 UT on November 22, 2007 from Beilen. 7 - 60 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Even more moonlight than a few days ago... An IDAS LPS filter was used.
18:58 - 19:10 UT on November 19, 2007 from Beilen. 10 - 60 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Lots of moonlight spoiling the view, an IDAS LPS filter was used.
19:16 - 19:37 UT on November 19, 2007 from Beilen. 10 - 120 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
I think this one is worse than the 10 x 60 second version, an IDAS LPS filter was used.
3D anaglyph on November 17, 2007 from Beilen. 10 - 60 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The left Image was acquired around 19:30 UT, the right image around 21:50 UT. Use red-green (or red-blue) glasses to view the image in 3D
21:43 - 21:58 UT on November 17, 2007 from Beilen. 10 - 60 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The Moon had set and these images were tsaken through a IDAS-LPS-P2-FF filter to suppress light pollution.
22:04 - 22:30 UT on November 17, 2007 from Beilen. 5 - 300 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
These images were tsaken through an IDAS-LPS-P2-FF filter to suppress light pollution.
19:25 - 19:38 UT on November 17, 2007 from Beilen. 10 - 60 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
The Moon was shining brightrly, but it was my only chance because clouds came in soon. Sky conditions were slightly better than yesterday.
19:38 - 19:59 UT on November 17, 2007 from Beilen. 4 - 300 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Not much more coma is visible in this longer exposure.
16:57 - 17:02 UT on November 16, 2007 from Beilen. 5 - 60 second exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Lots of traffic above Beilen! The sky was still dark blue this early in the evening.
18:22 - 18:27 UT on November 15, 2007 from Beilen. One 300second exposure with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
There were clouds passing during the exposure. The bright star is Mirphak, Alpha Per.
19:18 UT on November 14, 2007 from Beilen. A single 60second exposure with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Then there were a lot of clouds again... The last weeks the weather was terrible for astrophotography.
20:05 - 20:38 UT on November 11, 2007 from Beilen. Sum of 6 300s-exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
There is a hint of the disconnected blue Ion tail in the upper right corner of the image. I sure had to wait a long time fort clear skies since October 30th!
20:05 - 20:38 UT on November 11, 2007 from Beilen. Sum of 6 300s-exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Negative processed image to better show the ion tail.
20:38 - 20:40 UT on November 11, 2007 from Beilen. Sum of 6 10s-exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Short exposures to show the inner coma.
18:19 - 18:38 UT on October 30, 2007 from Beilen. Sum of 29 20s-exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
18:19 - 18:38 UT on October 30, 2007 from Beilen. Processed strongly and shown negative to show the faint outer coma and possible extensions.
Compare the size with the Moon images and with the images with a shorter exposure time below! It is nearly as big as the full Moon! Both are full frame images.
Sum of 29 20s-exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
Moon image with the same instrument to get an idea of the field of view.
18:39 - 18:59 UT on October 30, 2007 from Beilen. Processed to show the faint outer coma
It is the sum of 49 5s-exposures with a modified Canon 350D, set at ISO 800, through a 20-cm f/2.75 ASA astrograph.
![Comet 17P (HOLMES) with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D](CombineFilesExcAvg1PS50.jpg)
50 % size crop
![Comet 17P (HOLMES) with an ASA N8 20cm f2.75 astrograph and modified Canon 350D](CombineFilesExcAvg3PS50.jpg)
50 % size crop, processed to show the inner coma.