Light Pollution in the Netherlands and the Low Countries

light pollution map of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg

Beilen is the small yellow dot left of the red arrow. So I can't complain about my skies, although it could be better.
Usually I go to a place a few km west of Beilen, in the darker blue region of this map.

light pollution map of the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg

Levels in the picture above correspond to magnitude loss (in V mag.):
black >0.1, purple 0.1-0.2, orchid 0.2-0.4, blue 0.4-0.6, light blue 0.6-0.8, green 0.8-1.0,
golden yellow 1.0-1.2, yellow 1.2-1.4, orange 1.4-1.6, red 1.6-1.8, hot pink 1.8-2.0, pink <2.0.

This map is copyright but may be reproduced by the press in articles citing the research of the Light Pollution Science and Tecnology Institute (ISTIL) with the following credit/copyright statement:
Credit: P. Cinzano (University of Padova and ISTIL), F. Falchi (University of Padova), C. D. Elvidge (NOAA National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder). Copyright 2001 ISTIL, Thiene. Reproduced from

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